Support What We Do

Interconnected Gears of Change
The HEAL (Hope Empower Access Live) Collaborative is more than a project, it is a community movement for long-lasting change to improve the health and quality of life of our residents. We are community residents, youth leaders, schools, businesses, and organizations. We work hand-in-hand, building on our shared strengths and knowledge to address the hopes, needs, and challenges of our residents. We strive to bring all people to the table to make a change, connecting those who traditionally hold power with those who may have been excluded. We change systems and policies to ensure resources are accessible to all. We hope to bring to life our motto:
“Working Better Together!”

Develop a shared understanding of the root causes of poverty to then build financial capacity and wealth at the individual and community level.

Bring our community together to reimagine and develop a local food system that benefits all residents, local businesses and producers, and builds community wealth.

Create a shared, asset-based culture for the Town that welcomes diverse voices, values the ideas and input of all residents, and builds community across generations and diverse identities.

...for a better future.
We all want the best for our families and community. We can change systems that are broken. Let’s dream big!

...the tools and resources to make that change.
Break down barriers, include & respect our different voices, life experiences and identities.

...each other to be the change we want to see.
The power and strength to improve our own lives and our community is within all of us.

...one another
Learn from each other and work together to live our best lives!